Report & Finding

Cozen O’Connor Systemwide Title IX and DHR Assessment: Report & Findings

To strengthen its systems of care and compliance, 在2022年和2023年,CSU聘请了Cozen O'Connor对其第九条和歧视进行全系统评估, Harassment and Retaliation (DHR) programs. 下面列出的最后报告确定了系统和大学两级改进的核心意见和建议.

For more information about the Cozen O’Connor assessment, please visit the Chancellor's Office webpage dedicated to the assessment and FAQs.

Message from President Parham: Moving CSU's Title IX and DHR Processes Forward

July 17, 2023

Dear Campus Community,

本届政府致力于提供一个健康的环境,让托罗家族的每个成员的人性都得到肯定,不受骚扰, retaliation, and discrimination. 这些特征是我们关怀文化和制度价值观的基础.

Today, the law firm Cozen O’Connor released its report on Title IX and Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation (DHR) programs at the California State University. 这项评估是由校长办公室和董事会于2022年发起的, 在过去几年有关不当行为的报道被指控处理不当之后. 您可能也看到媒体报道了加利福尼亚州审计署正规澳门平台十大赌博同一主题的一份待定报告, set for release later this week. 我今天写信给你们,是要分享委员会在预期这些报告及其调查结果时所采取的步骤, and how the university will address this issue in the future.

Cozen O 'Connor团队的审查表明,科罗拉多州立大学在处理有关DHR或违反第九条的投诉时,在23个校区系统中采取了不一致的做法. The report includes recommendations for addressing these shortcomings. For example, 它呼吁校长办公室在管理此类投诉的跟踪和裁决方面发挥更大的作用, better documentation and record management, 并建立了一个预防和教育监督委员会,以协调和统一整个校园的项目. The full report can be found online at The CSU’s Commitment to Change.

虽然该报告关注的是整个系统,但也包括了个别校园的调查结果. 请知道,我认为这些建议不仅仅是一种批评,而是一种有价值的反馈,它将使我们作为一个校园社区,缩小我们的抱负自我之间的差距,这反映了我们价值观的全部衡量标准, 而我们真实的自我现在正受到数据的挑战,这些数据表明我们做得不够. At CSUDH, Cozen O 'Connor发现,公平与包容办公室缺乏意识和知名度, a lack of a strategic and coordinated prevention and education program, 缺乏正式的程序和协议来应对麻烦或破坏性的行为问题, but which do not meet the threshold of violating the Nondiscrimination Policy.

Already, CSUDH has taken steps in the previous year that address these findings. These include:

  • 多元化、公平、包容和正义司的成立,以及聘请了Dr. Bobbie Porter to lead it; and elevating what was proposed as an AVP position to a full vice president and member of the President’s Executive Cabinet
  • Blair Miles hired as executive director of the Office of Equity and Inclusion
  • Nallely Lopez hired as new Title IX coordinator for CSUDH

Additionally, 公平与包容办公室已经通过创建一个动态的社交媒体账户,开始了有意的推广和教育, hosting a Self-Care fair on campus on May 9, 自二零一三年一月起,为校园选民提供超过二十场讲座及培训. In fact, OEI is participating in tomorrow’s Toro Tuesday program, which introduces all incoming students (first-year, transfer, and graduate) to various campus resources. 该报告还就OEI网站提出了若干建议,其中许多建议已经提出.

CSUDH has created an implementation committee, made up of students, faculty, and staff representatives, 负责监督今天发布的Cozen报告的机构审查,并确保采取适当步骤实施报告的建议,这些建议符合我作为总统的期望. 该委员会于春季开始开会,为不仅对报告本身作出回应奠定基础, 但我们要共同努力,确保校园环境安全,欢迎所有在这里工作和学习的人.

You will hear more from Dr. 波特的团队会在接下来的几周和几个月里了解委员会的工作以及你参与这个过程的机会. CSUDH还将与CSU校长办公室合作,制定和实施与Cozen O 'Connor和加利福尼亚州审计员报告中建议的全系统改革相一致的政策和做法. 整个23个校区系统的工作过程可能比我们许多人想要的要长, 但我向你们保证,至关重要的是,我们的大学不仅要进行必要的改革,以解决这些重大问题, 但我们也要共同努力,确保整个系统对DHR和第九条投诉的回应是深思熟虑和健全的. As such, creating an environment free of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation, and one that affirms everyone’s humanity, 不只是公平与包容办公室或我们校园里一个人的工作吗. Rather, 我们每个人都必须尽自己的一份力量,确保我们心爱的卫生署校园散发出我们每天努力体现的社会氛围和关怀文化.



Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D.


May 2023 Board of Trustees Meeting - (Recording & Presentation Slides)

At the May 24, 2023 meeting of the Board of Trustees, Cozen O’Connor gave a public, 向大学及学院人事委员会汇报评估结果. Below are the links to the recording of the presentation and the PowerPoint.